Building on its solid foundation in 20th Century Chinese modern art - inherited from Taipei Lung Men Art Gallery, Longmen Art Projects was established in 2010 in downtown Shanghai and quickly became one of the major art galleries of the region, representing not only the Estate of Walasse Ting, but also outstanding modern & contemporary Chinese artists.
October 2013 marked the 3-year anniversary of the establishment of the Longmen Art Projects, and with its success and growth, the gallery relocated to the heart of Shanghai's cultural epicenter: 338 Nanjing West Road - Tian An Centre Building, a modern office tower adjacent to People’s Park, home of the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Grand Theater, Shanghai Historical Museum, and Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA).
2010年秋季,李亚俐夫妇与李俊毅三人系手成立LONGMEN ART PROJECTS 龙门雅集--一个崭新多元的艺术品经营画廊,坐落在上海环境优雅、花木扶疏的1930年代法租界区「思南公馆」内。龙门雅集的经营方向,除延续台湾龙门画廊时期的二十世纪现代艺术市场基础,并且也延伸到二十一世纪亚洲当代艺术的一级艺术市场积极经营板块。
2010年秋季,李亞俐夫婦與李俊毅三人系手成立LONGMEN ART PROJECTS 龍門雅集--一個嶄新多元的藝術品經營畫廊,坐落在上海環境優雅、花木扶疏的1930年代法租界區「思南公館」內。龍門雅集的經營方向,除延續臺灣龍門畫廊時期的二十世紀現代藝術市場基礎,並且也延伸到二十一世紀亞洲當代藝術的一級藝術市場積極經營板塊。